A 80 yr old M with SOB since 3 days

This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan

The patient/ attender was informed the purpose of the information being acquired. An informed consent was taken from patient/ attender and there is omission of information that was requested to be omitted. 

Chief complaints:
         A 80 year old male came to casuality with chief complaints of :
        -SOB grade IV and altered sensorium since 3 days

History of presenting illness:
         Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 months back then he developed altered sensorium for which he was treated in our hospital and diagnosed to have uremic encephalopathy due to acute kidney injury caused by lower UTI. He was treated under OP basis.
         Then 3 days ago attendees noticed that patient was tachypneic and doing mouth breathing and was taken to local RMP and told to have BP 200/100 and was brought to local hospital with complaints of altered sensorium -not speaking,responding to commands since 3 days. No complaints of fever, seizures,headache,decreased UO,pedal edema.
He was admitted on 2/12/22 in the morning.
He was sedated and intubated and after sometime he went into cardiac arrest and revived with CPR. He was put on inotropes.
After ABG reports was found to have acidosis  and underwent dialysis at 5:30 pm.

Past history : 
There is a history of similar complaints 1 yr back when he developed altered sensorium and got admitted in our hospital ,diagnosed to have metabolic encephalopathy and got treated for that and discharged after 3 to 4 days.
No history of DM,HTN,ASTHMA,CAD
Personal history:
Bowel and bladder -involuntary since 3 days
Sleep- adequate
Addictions- stopped smoking and alcohol 10 yrs back

General phycial examination 

The patient was examined in a well lighted room 
The patient was unconscious and under sedation thin built and nourished 
Pallor - present 
No icterus 
No cyanosis
No clubbing 
No lymphadenopathy 
No edema

Vitals at 4pm
Temperature : 98.6 ° F
BP : 70/50
PR :100 bpm
RR :14 cpm
SpO2 : 98 % with 100 fiO² 
GRBS : 113 mg/dl
Systemic examination 
Respiratory : 
Inspection : 
No visible scars and sinuses 
Some hypopigmented spots are present
Chest appears bilateral symmetrical and elliptical in shape
Trachea is central in position with endotracheal tube in it
No dilated veins 
And is having central line 

Palpation : all inspectory findings are confirmed 
Apical impulse is felt in 5th intecostal space 
On percussion 
Dullness is seen in all areas.
Crepitus heard
Crepts ad heard in IMA, IAA , ISA

Patient is unconscious 
And is on sederion at 4 pm 
And at the time of admission CNS findings 
GCS : E2V1M1 ( 4/15 )
Pupils : b/l nsrl
Tone : normal in all 4 limbs
Power : not elisitable 
Reflexes : 
                      (R).         (L)
Biceps          1+.          1+
Triceps         2+.         1+
Supinator     1+.          -
Knee             1+.          2+
Ankle             1+.          1+
Plantar     Mute   Flexion

Abdomen : 
On inspection 
Shape : scaphoid 
 Umbilicus : central , inverted
Equal movements in all quadrants with desperation 
Visible pulsations seen under xiphoid sternum 

No scars and sinus
No localized swellings

On palpation 
No masses palpated 
No organomegaly

On percussion 
Tympanic note is seen 

On auscultation
Bowel sounds are heard 
No local lymphadenopathy

Provisional diagnosis: acute pulmonary edema and uremic encephalopathy with chronic renal failure.

At 12:30 pm

Air bed
Inj.Atracurium 5ml/hr(undiluted)
Inj.Medazolam 5ml/he
Inj NORAD 15 ml/ hr acc to MAP
RT feeds 100ml milk + protein powder 4th hrly,200 mo free water 4th hrly
Inj. Pantop 40mg iv OD
Tab. Shelcal RT/OD
Cap bio D3 RT OD weekly once
Inj lasix20mg iv BD
GRBS 4th hrly monitoring
Inj NaHCO3 100 mg +100 ml NS