Thursday 16 March 2023

1801006074- Long Case

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box is welcome. I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan

Chief complaints:
             A 50 year old male, resident of Nalgonda ,who works in an ice factory came with complaints of:
            - weakness of right upper and lower                     limbs since 5 days
            - slurred speech since 5 days.

History of presenting illness:
              Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back, then he developed weakness in left upper and lower limbs which was sudden in onset and was taken to local hospital when he was diagnosed to have hypertension and his condition improved with medication in about 3 days.
             He took medication for 20 days and stopped for next 10 days when he developed sudden onset of weakness in right upper and lower limbs (which was 5 days ago). He also developed slurred speech and was taken to local hospital and then was referred to our hospital next day.
             There is no history of loss of consciousness, altered sensorium,fever,headache,vomiting,seizures,behavioural abnormalities or abnormal movements.
Past history:
He is a known case of hypertension since 1 month.
There is no history of diabetes, asthma,TB,epilepsy,coronary artery disease or thyroid abnormalities.

Personal history:

The patient wakes up at 4:00am in the morning daily. He has tea and goes to work in the ice factory. He lives very close to the ice factory. He comes home and has breakfast at around 8 to 9 am. He usually has rice and curry for breakfast. He then goes back to work and comes home for lunch at around 2:00 pm. He usually has rice with curry and dal for lunch. He takes mixed- diet.He finishes work by around 6:00 pm, comes home, has tea and takes a bath. Sometimes he works until 9:00 pm. He sleeps by 9:00 pm. 

The patient has history of chewing tobacco for around 10 years.

He consumes alcohol regulary since 30 years. He stopped for around 3 years and started again 6 months ago.

Bowel and bladder movements-regular.

Treatment history:

He took medication for hypertension- Amlodipine and Atenolol for 20 days and stopped for the past 15 days.

Family history:

No history of similar complaints in the family.

General examination:

Patient is conscious and cooperative. 

He is well oriented to time,place and person.

Moderately built and nourished. 

Vitals :- 

Temp - afebrile

BP  - 140/80 mm Hg

Pulse rate - 78 bpm

Respiratory rate - 14 cycles per minute 

Pallor - absent

Icterus - absent

Cyanosis - absent

Clubbing - absent

Lymphadenopathy - absent

Oedema - absent 



Right handed person.

Higher mental functions are intact.

Speech- slurred


Memory- intact


No hallucinations or delusions



I - no alteration in smell
II -
Visual acuity- normal
Field of vision- normal 
Color vision - normal
EOM- normal
Diplopia- absent
Nystagmus absent
No ptosis

V - sensations of face normal, can chew food normally 

VII - Deviation of mouth to the left side, upper half of right side and left side normal
Taste sensation over anterior 2/3 of tongue present

VIII - hearing is normal, no vertigo or nystagmus 
IX,X - no difficulty in swallowing 
XI - neck can move in all directions 
XII - tongue movements normal, no deviation

Pupils - both are normal in size, reactive to light 

Motor examination:


RUL: increased

LUL: normal

RLL: increased

LLL: normal


RUL: 3/5

LUL: 4/5

RLL: 3/5

LLL: 4/5


Superficial reflexes:

                          Right               Left

Corneal :         present          present

Conjunctival:  present          present

Abdominal:     present  in all quadrants

Plantar :          not elicited     flexion

Deep tendon reflexes:

                            Right                 Left

Biceps                  ++                     ++

Triceps                 ++                     ++

Supinator             ++                     ++

Knee jerk             +++                   ++

Ankle jerk            +++                   ++

Sensory examination:

Pain, temperature, crude touch, pressure sensations- normal

Fine touch, vibration, proprioception- normal

No abnormal sensory symptoms .

Tactile localisation- able to localise

Cerebellar examination:

Finger nose test- normal

No dysdiadochokinesia

Knee heel test - normal


JVP: Normal


Chest wall symmetrical

Pulsations not seen



Apical impulse – normal

Pulsations – normal

Thrills absent



No abnormal findings



S1, S2 heard
No murmurs 
No added sounds



1. Shape – flat
2. Flanks – free
3. Umbilicus – Position-central, Shape-normal
4. Skin – normal
5. Hernial Orifices - normal 




Abdomen is soft and non tender

No hepatomegaly

No splenomegaly 

Kidneys not enlarged, no renal angle tenderness

No other palpable swellings

Hernial orifices normal



Fluid Thrill/Shifting dullness/Puddle’s sign absent



Bowel sounds – normal 
No bruits, rub or venous hum


- Chest bilaterally symmetrical, all quadrants
moves equally with respiration.
- Trachea central, chest expansion normal.
- Resonant on percussion
- Bilateral equal air entry, no added sounds heard.

1. Breath sounds -  Normal Vesicular Breath sounds
2. Added sounds - absent
3.  Vocal Resonance - normal
4. Bronchophony, Egophony, Whispering Pectoriloquy absent


Right hemiparesis due to cerebrovascular accident.


Anti HCV antibodies rapid - non reactive 

HIV 1/2 rapid test - non reactive

Blood sugar random - 109 mg/dl 

FBS - 114 mg/dl

Hemoglobin- 13.4 gm/dl

WBC-7,800 cells/cu mm

Neutrophils- 70%

Lymphocytes- 21%

Eosinophils- 01%

Monocytes- 8%

Basophils- 0

PCV- 40 vol%

MCV- 89.9 fl 

MCH- 30.1 pg

MCHC- 33.5%

RBC count- 4.45 millions/cumm

Platelet counts- 3.01 lakhs/ cu mm


RBC - normocytic normochromic

WBC - with in normal limits

Platelets - Adequate

Haemoparasites - no 


Colour - pale yellow

Appearance- clear 

Reaction - acidic

Sp.gravity - 1.010

Albumin - trace

Sugar - nil

Bile salts - nil

Bile pigments - nil

Pus cells - 3-4 /HPF

Epithelial cells - 2-3/HPF

RBC s - nil 

Crystals - nil

Casts - nil 

Amorphous deposits - absent


Total bilirubin - 1.71 mg/dl

Direct bilirubin- 0.48 mg/dl

AST - 15 IU/L

ALT - 14 IU/L

Alkaline phosphatase - 149 IU/L

Total proteins - 6.3 g/dl

Albumin - 3.6 g/dl

A/G ratio - 1.36

Blood urea - 19 mg/dl

Serum creatinine - 1.1 mg/dl


Sodium - 141 mEq/L

Potassium - 3.7 mEq/L

Chloride - 104 mEq/L

Calcium ionised - 1.02 mmol/L

T3 - 0.75 ng/ml 
T4 - 8 mcg/dl 
TSH - 2.18 mIU/ml


Acute infarct in posterior limb of left internal capsule
Old lacunar infarct in left side of pons
Few microhemorrhages in bilateral cerebral hemispheres.

No sonological abnormalities detected.


               Regular Rhythm,60 bpm




Tab.Stamlo beta

Physiotherapy of right upper limb and lower limb

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